FiCO Cement PCB 30

FiCO cement is high quality, stable, significant increase in initial strength, fine and high silicate, low alkali and free line content, reasonable freezing time, good erosion resistance, durability in environment of alum and salinity. Thus, FiCO Cement is widely used for civil constructions and other building projects require high technical quality and concrete grade.
01 Compressive strength (N/m2)
03 days
07 days
28 days
TCVN 6016 : 2011


≥ 16
≥ 32

02 Standard water content (%) TCVN 6017 : 1995 28 ±2,0
03 Freezing time (minutes)
TCVN 6017 : 1995 ≥ 120
04 Fineness
Grain size 0,09 mm (%)
Surface (cm2/g)
TCVN 4030 : 2003 ≤ 3,0
≥ 3.500
05 Autoclave expansion (%) TCVN 8877 : 2011 ≤ 0,8
06 Content of SO3 TCVN 141 : 2008 ≤ 2,5
07 Le Chatelier (mm)
Soundness of cement by Le-Chaterlier method (mm)
TCVN 6017 : 1995
≤ 1,5